Saturday, November 9, 2013

"Know ye are not your own?"

 "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s."
And in 2 Corinthians 6:16 we read again:
 "For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
Stop and think about that. Your body is where the Holy Ghost, a member of the Godhead, dwells."Ye are the temple of the living God."  Is it any wonder that Heavenly Father has given us guidelines on how to care for our bodies?

One of these commandments is called The Law of Chastity. Which means, "Our Father in Heaven has commanded that the sacred power and privilege of sexual relations be exercised only between a man and woman who are legally married. This is the law of chastity. It means that we must not have sexual relations before we are married, and after we are married we should have sexual relations only with our husband or wife." (

Elder Bednar, an apostle of the Lord, recently said that,
"Our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son are creators and have entrusted each of us with a portion of Their creative power. Specific guidelines for the proper use of the ability to create life are vital elements in the Father’s plan. How we feel about and use that supernal power will determine in large measure our happiness in mortality and our destiny in eternity.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a single, undeviating standard of sexual morality: intimate relations are proper only between a man and a woman in the marriage relationship prescribed in God’s plan. Such relations are not merely a curiosity to be explored, an appetite to be satisfied, or a type of recreation or entertainment to be pursued selfishly. They are not a conquest to be achieved or simply an act to be performed. Rather, they are in mortality one of the ultimate expressions of our divine nature and potential and a way of strengthening emotional and spiritual bonds between husband and wife. We are agents blessed with moral agency and are defined by our divine heritage as children of God—and not by sexual behaviors, contemporary attitudes, or secular philosophies."
The power of procreation is sacred, and a gift from our Heavenly Father. When we keep this commandment we are blessed with health, stable and secure relationships, and the peace that we are following God's commandment. Think for a moment how many less broken hearts the world would have if people followed this commandment. I know this commandment is from our loving Heavenly Father. I have seen the blessings of peace, security, and self worth as I have kept this commandment.

The second commandment Heavenly Father has given us  that pertains to our bodies is The Word of Wisdom. The Word of Wisdom is a law of health that tells us what should and should not take into our body. Heavenly Father has asked us to refrain from: alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, and all  illegal drugs. He has also asked us to eat a balanced diet full of fruit, vegetables, meat, wheat, rice, and oats.

ALL of those blessings are promised to us if we take care of our bodies! Surely we can give up these addictive substances to "find hidden treasures", and be protected from "the destroying angel." Not to mention free from diseases, health issues, and slaves to an addiction. Read this article if you don't believe me that these substances are harmful.
President Packer, a member of the 12 Apostles, said this about our bodies:
"Guard [it] and protect it. Take nothing into it that shall harm the organs thereof because it is sacred. It is the instrument of your mind and [the] foundation of your character.” 
My life has been blessed as I have been free from addictive substances, and subject only to God, and no addiction. I know that as we keep the commandment to protect our bodies, we will be happier.

Above all, God is our loving Heavenly Father. "The commandments you observe were not given by a dispassionate God to prevent you from having fun, but by a loving Father in Heaven who wants you to be happy while you are living on this earth as well as in the hereafter." (Glenn L. Pace) The Word of Wisdom, and The Law of Chastity have been given to us not to prevent us from having fun, or to limit us. But rather to enhance our earthly experience, and provide us with true joy. God is kind, and He loves us. I invite each of  you to live these commandment, and watch the flood of blessings and happiness that will come your way.

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