
Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Path to Perfection

In the Book of Mormon it says, " Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect." (3 Nephi 12:48) Or in the Bible, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."(Matthew 5:48) If you are like me do you just think "Uhhh perfect? It's taken me so long to make the habit of studying the scriptures every day and sometimes I want to freak out at people who cut me off while I am driving. How on Earth can I be perfect?" If you don't struggle with these things, please teach me how, because I fall short every day. As I have been studying to figure out how I can be perfect like the Savior I have found it's important to define what perfection is. First, we need to acknowledge that the fullest kind of perfection, or Christ-like perfection is not attainable in this mortal experience. But, we can start on the path to perfection. President Joseph F. Smith explained this:
“We do not look for absolute perfection in man. Mortal man is not capable of being absolutely perfect. Nevertheless, it is given to us to be as perfect in the sphere in which we are called to be and to act, as it is for the Father in heaven to be pure and righteous in the more exalted sphere in which he acts. We will find in the scriptures the words of the Savior himself to his disciples, in which he required that they should be perfect, even as their Father in heaven is perfect; that they should be righteous, even as he is righteous. I do not expect that we can be as perfect as Christ, that we can be as righteous as God. But I believe that we can strive for that perfection with the intelligence that we possess, and the knowledge that we have of the principles of life and salvation.” (Gospel Doctrine,p. 132.)
This is not saying that we can have a defeatist attitude and say "Well I can't be perfect, so what's the use in trying?". No, not trying is not an option. But, accepting the fact that you will make mistakes, try harder, and can repent is the mindset you must have on the path to perfection. We must also keep in mind that the only person we can compare ourselves to is our Savior, Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father sent Christ to be our perfect example, and has given us the pattern to follow. I read recently this great insight, " That while it is the Lord’s pattern to give us righteous examples to emulate and follow, it is Satan’s counterfeit to tempt us to compare ourselves with them in order to determine our worth or success." So, learn from the Savior's example, and don't compare yourselves to others.
Heavenly Father expects a lot of us because He knows what we are capable of. It is a commandment to strive for perfection. Ponder this question, "Do you think the Lord would excuse you if in mortality you did not climb as high on the ladder of perfection as it is possible for you to do?"  Elder Joseph Fielding Smith said: 

“It is our duty to be better today than we were yesterday, and better tomorrow than we are today. Why? Because we are on that road, if we are keeping the commandments of the Lord, we are on that road to perfection, and that can only come through obedience and the desire in our hearts to overcome the world.” (Doctrines of Salvation, 2:18–19.)

So how can we start today on the road to perfection? First, we need to identify what is keeping us from perfection, perhaps it is a certain commandment we are struggling with.
President Harold B. Lee taught:
 “The most important of all the commandments of God is that one that you’re having the most difficulty keeping today. If it’s one of dishonesty, if it’s one of unchastity, if it’s one of falsifying, not telling the truth, today is the day for you to work on that until you’ve been able to conquer that weakness. Then you start on the next one that’s most difficult for you to keep.” (Church News, 5 May 1973, p. 3.)

So, take some time to think of a few of your weaknesses. Make a list of your weakness and put them in order of priority. Then we have been counseled to, "Each morning review your list, particularly noting the problem you want to work on that day. Then pray to the Lord, entreating him for power and promising him you will do all you can. That night report to him on your success or failure. As you find yourself improving (and you will), pray for forgiveness and additional strength. Keep constantly in mind the joy and love your Heavenly Father is feeling toward you because of your efforts. Remember also that your weaknesses can become your strengths; indeed, as each is overcome, it can be a rung of power leading upward to God and your eternal home. Examine Ether 12:27. What is the purpose of weakness? What does the Lord intend to do with your weaknesses if you let him? Will you let him? If you do, you will find the power of heaven opened to you and you will receive greater joy and peace and a closer relationship with your Savior than most people ever know."

Heavenly Father doesn't expect more than we are capable of doing. The path of perfection is real and you can start today. I started my own list this week and I have already seen more strength to resist temptation as I have tried to be perfect in keeping my promises to the Lord. As we report back to our Father of our day and our struggles and success, I promise you will be filled with more of a desire to keep your promises, covenants, and the commandments. Christ has already felt what it is like to fail, to makes mistakes, and to disappoint. He knows exactly how to help you, so stay close to Him and just keep trying. President Uchtdorf puts it this way,
"Our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble but by the number of times we rise up, dust ourselves off, and move forward." 

Will you start your path to perfection today?

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